
Add users to SM-Marks Online

The Add users to SM-Marks Online command creates user logins, either one individually or by importing from a text file. This command can only be used by a User Administrator.

To create a single user, enter the Teacher name login name and email address and click on the Create User button. Check the Allow user administration option to allow the user to create, edit and delete users and reset other user passwords.

Check the Read only option to allow the user to open any markbook, but not be able to change any information in any markbook. This option could be used for staff who need access to all student results, such as a curriculum coordinator, and never need to enter results into the markbooks they do not own or share. When this option is on, it is only the markbooks they do not own or share that cannot be edited.

Check the Faculty administrator option to allow the user to work in the same way as the owner on the markbooks that they are on the share list for. This option could be used for head teachers and department coordinators who need access and edit all the markbooks and student results in their faculty, without being the owner of each markbook.

To create multiple users quickly, as text file with one user per line is imported with a click on the Import Users button. Select the text file with the Browse (Choose File) button, once the file name is selected, click on the Import Users button to begin reading the file.

The text file must be a CSV file with the first row of column headings: teacher, login and email. Here is an example of a valid file.


"John Black","blackie",""

"Janet Snow","",""

"Juan Rodriguez","juanrod",""

As a comma delimited format, the quotes are optional if none of the names contain a comma in them.

Two extra optional columns can be included:

  • A column with the heading "password" can contain the password for each login, without this column a password is randomly generated.
  • A column with the heading "type" can contain either "useradmin", "readonly", "facultyadmin" or be left empty. This sets the permissions of each imported user, without this column, all the users that leave this field empty have regular login permissions.

When creating a user login it is essential for the email address to be correct because a sent email is the only way for a user to recover a forgotten password.

