
Copy markbooks for next year

The Copy markbooks for next year command makes a copy of selected markbooks and allows you to optionally delete the tasks, student or classes. This command can only be used by a User Administrator.

To copy markbooks, select what needs to be deleted and check next to the name of each markbook to be copied. Then click on the Copy Markbooks button. This command only works on markbook that have the year in the name, such as 2022.

Note, this command copies only a maximum of 10 markbooks at a time.

  • It is recommended that you open one of the newly copied markbooks to check that it contains the expected information, before continuing with this command with more markbooks.
  • If the Delete Classes option is used and there are tasks with calculations, all calculations in the copied markbooks will include any newly created classes in each calculation. Normally, this is the expected behaviour, but if you have an unusual task where the calculation only applies to some of the classes, you must adjust it in the Edit Calculation command.

