
Import markbook owner and share list

The Import markbook owner and share list command sets the owner of markbooks and the users who can share each markbook by importing from a text file. This command can only be used by a User Administrator.

The text file with one markbook per line is imported with a click on the Import Owners button. Select the text file with the Browse (Choose File) button, once the file name is selected, click on the Import Owners button to begin reading the file.

The list of owners must be a CSV file with the first row of column headings: markbook, ownerlogin and sharelogin. The ownerlogin column is the login name for the user who owns the markbook. There can be multiple columns for the users who share the markbook, but the sharelogin header is only required for the third column. Here is an example of a valid file.


"Y9 Maths","york","skipworth","harris","cooper","bancroft"

"Y9 Tech","decarlo","joyce","pitts","lloyd","warner","fisher"

"Y9 PDHPE","mansfield","marx","mcnally","chase",

As a comma delimited format, the quotes are optional if none of the markbook names contain a comma in them.

