Edit menu reference

Edit|Paste from Clipboard

The Paste from Clipboard command allows data from other sources to be copied into the open markbook. Using the Paste command of the browser, paste the information that you have previously copied onto the clipboard into the Clipboard text box. This data should be visible as plain text, usually as comma separated values. Then click on the Paste Data button.

By default only results are pasted into the markbook. The results are pasted into the markbook by matching up the student and task names. So if a student or task in the clipboard data is not in the markbook it is not added to the markbook, unless you turn on the options. Before clicking on the Paste Data button you can turn on any of the Can create classes, Can create students or Can create tasks options. With these options, if a class, student or task in the copied data does not exist in the markbook, that class, student or task is created.

  • The Can create classes option only has an effect if All students are currently selected.

The step of pasting the information into the text area is required because most browsers do not allow websites to have direct access to the contents of the clipboard.

The first line of the clipboard data must have a label that indicates the contents of the columns in the following lines. The complete list of labels that have special meaning are:

Teacher Family
Teacher Given

The columns can be in any order and the labels can be any combination of upper and lower case, but must have identical spelling to be recognised by SM-Marks Online. The SID is for the Student ID. There can be multiple fields for tasks. If a column has a label other than those listed, it is assumed to be the name of a task.

  • As a minimum, there must be the Family and Given columns to specify the student of each line.

If you want to create classes from the data the Class and Teacher columns must be included. For the teacher either the Teacher label, or both the Teacher Family and Teacher Given labels can be used. Depending on whether you have the teacher name stored as a single field in the other application.

