File menu reference

File|Import|Data File

The Import Data File command creates markbooks using data exported from another applications, or adds data to an existing markbook. Before selecting the Import Data File command, one or more text files must be created with the other application. Then select up to 3 separate data files, which must be comma or tab delimited plain text files.

Browse the Importing section of the Help for more details on the types of files SM-Marks Online can import. Some applications require the generation of only a single file, while others require up to three separate files.

There are two different ways this command works.

  • Importing while a markbook is open imports data into the open markbook only.
  • Importing without an open markbook creates markbook files.

In general, you initially import without an open markbook to create new markbooks. This requires the data from the other application to include the class and student names, and the course and year. If you are not importing from an application that SM-Marks Online specifically supports, refer to the Single comma delimited text file topic in the Importing section for the recommended file type and the fields SM-Marks Online is able to read.

After selecting the name of the file to import, click on the Import Data button to begin reading the data.

After the information is read, select the items you want to import. When making markbooks, click on the Create Markbooks button to create a markbook for each selected subject. If importing students or tasks then click on the appropriate button.

When importing into an open markbook, if a class is selected the data is only imported into that class. Otherwise, if All Students are displayed then the data can be imported into any of the classes in the markbook.

