How do I?

Convert the results in a task that is marked out of, say 50, to a mark out of 25?

The Linear Scale calculation lets you specify a different task maximum and multiplies the results by an appropriate number to scale it to the new maximum. In this example, the results are multiplied by 0.5 to convert them to be out of 25. To store the scaled results, a new task must be made.

  1. Choose the New|Task command.
  2. Enter the task name.
  3. Enter the task maximum of 25.
  4. Click the Create Task button.
  5. Choose the Edit|Calculation command.
  6. Select Linear Scale from the Calculation list.
  7. Select the task that is out of 50 from the Tasks list.
  8. Click the Include button.
  9. Click on the Save Changes button.

The same steps are followed if you want to convert a task of results to be out of a higher maximum.

Note that this scaling is a linear calculation. To modify the distribution of results, use the Standardise calculation.

