
Importing overview

There are four different ways the Import command can be used to import information into SM-Marks Online. From either:

  • Three comma delimited text files
  • A single text file
  • A single comma delimited text file
  • A file from Motorised Markbook

Three comma delimited text files can be produced from timetabling programs using utility programs from SMPCS. These files may contain the student, class and teacher names.

The simplest importing is from a single text file that should contain only student names.

A single comma delimited text file can be produced with many applications by using the Save As command. This file may contain the student name and optionally the class for each student and any results to be imported.

A file from Motorised Markbook is produced with the Export all as TAB file command in version 6.5.X of the Motorised Markbook. When importing from this file format, separate markbooks are made for each course, because SM-Marks Online is not designed to store student from different courses and years in the one markbook.

