
Entering results

After opening a markbook that has students and tasks, results can be entered for each student in the task columns.

When a new markbook is created there are no tasks for storing results. These must be created with the New|Task command.

Once there are students and tasks, the SM-Marks Online window shows a grid of cells for the entry of results. If a task has a numerical maximum, SM-Marks Online warns if a result entered is larger than the maximum.

Placing an exclamation mark ! directly in front of a result prevents SM-Marks Online from changing the result, even if the result is in a task that has a calculation.

Placing a n directly in front of a zero result, i.e. n0, forces SM-Marks Online to keep the result as a zero, even if the result is in a task that is standardised.

If a task is to store information other than numbers, make the task maximum something other than a number.

