Print menu reference

Print|Student report

The Print|Student report command is not a substitute for a reporting system, but it does allow you to print a quick report for a student that can include marks, outcomes and teacher comments. To use the command:

  1. Choose the Outcomes menu item below the toolbar.
  2. Tag the outcomes you want on the report.
  3. Choose the All students menu item below the toolbar.
  4. Tag the tasks you want on the report.
  5. Tag the students you want a report for.
  6. Choose the Print|Student report command.

The report includes the rank for each tagged task, with the ranking out of the students shown, either the class or All students depending which is selected. Comments entered in the Edit|Note|Report comment command appear on the report.

Grades are only shown for tasks that have a grade calculation in another column. This is because depending on your grading criteria it often does not make sense to translate a mark into a grade automatically. Usually there needs to be some judgement made in relation to the cut-off mark for each grade.

To print the page, click on the Printer icon on the toolbar and select the new Print Preview window or tab in your browser. Then use the Print command of your browser to print the page.

  • For higher quality printing click on the PDF icon on the toolbar to open another window or tab in your browser with the pages as a PDF file. These are printed with the PDF plugin of your browser or viewer. When the student report is viewed as a PDF file, each student begins on a new page.

