Frequently Asked Questions

The size of the text on the PDF student report looks too small (or large). How can I adjust the sizes of the fonts?

On the template you can add a line that makes SM-Reports Online increase, or decrease the size of the text on the page. For example, adding this line near the top of of template:


To increase the font size by 10%. With the /fontscale/ keyword the second number is like a percent. So this line does not affect the size of the fonts.


And the following line reduces the font size to 80% of the original size, or in other words by 20%.


The /fontscale/ keyword can be used more than once on a template, to affect the text in different areas by a different amount.

  • After increasing or decreasing the font size, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number point size. This means that if you set a scale and the size of the text on the resulting report is unchanged, you will need to increase the scaling until you see the required effect.

