How do I?

Centre a report on the printed page?

In Old SM-Reports the position of a report on the page was set in the same dialogue as the titles. In SM-Reports Online, the position in now set on the template.

After creating a report, by viewing the PDF or printing on the final printer determine how many millimetres the report needs to be moved and and down or across the page so it is centred. Each course and the cover that uses a different template may need to moved by different amounts.

  1. Choose the Edit Template command.
  2. Select the template.
  3. Near the top of the template look for a line that begins with /offset/ and ends with global. If there is a line like this it usually is within the top ten lines.
  4. Add the number of millimetres multiplied by 10 to the first number that the report must be moved horizontally.
  5. Add the number of millimetres multiplied by 10 to the second number that the report must be moved vertically.
  6. Click on the Save button.

Then create a report again an note the difference. There may be more adjusting to do which mean repeating the steps again.

For example, suppose the template has the line:


but the report need to be moved 2 mm to the right and up by 3 mm. Then 20 is added to the first number and 30 subtracted from the second number. The line becomes

  • If there isn't a global offset, the line can be added anywhere near the top of the template, immediately after the /page/ line is suitable.
  • Always multiply the mm by 10 and the make the number negative or subtract it, if moving the report to the left or upwards.

