Template Keywords

Formatting - fontscale

The /fontscale/ keyword adjusts the size of the text that follows.


The percent is 100 to keep the text the same size. A numbers larger or smaller, increases or decreases the size

causes text to be horizontally centred in the frame.

The size of the text on the PDF student report looks too small (or large). How can I adjust the sizes of the fonts?

On the template you can add a line that makes SM-Reports Online increase, or decrease the size of the text on the page. For example, adding this line near the top of of template:


To increase the font size by 10%. With the /fontscale/ keyword the second number is like a percent. So this line does not affect the size of the fonts.


And the following line reduces the font size to 80% of the original size, or in other words by 20%.


The /fontscale/ keyword can be used more than once on a template, to affect the text in different areas by a different amount.

  • After increasing or decreasing the font size, the result is rounded to the nearest whole number point size. This means that if you set a scale and the size of the text on the resulting report is unchanged, you will need to increase the scaling until you see the required effect.

